Michelle Gallagher
I am excited to welcome, my InTandum pARTner, artist Michelle Gallagher. I met Michelle through Instagram on The Jealous Curator generous post inviting and encouraging artists to team up with another artist to hold them accountable and discuss their art regularly. Michelle bravely asked if anyone would be interested in partnering up. Right there on the feed! For the whole world to consider! I mean what is more improv than that? I was drawn to the idea of teaming up with a stranger and was really in awe of this creative bravery so I reached out and we have been chatting regularly ever since. Michelle is currently living and working in Germany, other the other side of the world and I am always amazed at how very similar our lives as artist mothers are. . . So without further ado, let me welcome Michelle Gallagher.
Michelle is an artist, whose work and practice encompasses sculpture, drawing and printing. She often uses clay mixed with traditional printing techniques, embellishing, and adding texture and imagery to surfaces. She studied fine art sculpture and art teaching in Limerick, Ireland. Since, she has lived and worked in a variety of countries from Ireland to Botswana.
Hammer Michelle Gallagher
What does working improvisationally mean to you? How would you define the ‘Art of Improv’?
To me it means ..following the idea...the material…the thought...finding the rhythm in the work.
Have you always worked improvisationally?
No, when I was an art student...many moons ago! I would sketch out an idea and want to make an exact copy of the sketch. Now...I still sketch out the idea…very roughly...sometimes I keep the idea in my mind...and I allow the material and piece dictate the outcome ..it is intuitive these days...a partnership with the material.
Do you work improvisationally, consciously, intentionally? If so, how do you begin? If not, how do you find yourself getting there?
An idea or thought forms...sometimes I sketch it out, I write it down...mull it over. I research the idea especially if it relates to language perhaps an idiom or saying. I also research the shape and form of the object I might be working out an idea on. I usually have a concept and do some research to clarify and formalize...But I always have to remember the piece will guide me...be intuitive...follow the path.
How often do you work with improvisation?
Always, the material dictates the process..as I work it’s a meditation with the material.
Iron Lady Michelle Gallagher
Please share a bit about your process. Do you have methods to getting started? Do you have tricks to getting unstuck? Do you have motivators to finishing up?
I really enjoy baking to get my thoughts into a different headspace, walking in nature and listening to the world around me and switching off really boost my mood and thoughts.
Where do you find inspiration? How do you use it?
I love listening to podcasts, reading, music...chatting with friends going to galleries watching movies, poetry, language nuisances...the list goes on and inspiration can come from anywhere. Something I have read, seen, heard...I just need to be in tune with it and be paying attention.
What advice would you give to someone interested in trying to work improvisationally. Can you share some good advice that you received that helped you become more comfortable this way?
Let the material be your guide.
Tools of the Trade Michelle Gallagher