What does working improvisationally mean to you? How would you define the ‘Art of Improv’?
For me working improvisationally means allowing the materials to dictate the design. It is an understanding of play and spontaneity that allows a work to seem unplanned and fresh, but still cohesive to the whole of the work. In quilting, it really is about letting the fabric and process dictate in the moment, elements of the final design. It doesn’t mean there aren’t rules, but the rules guide the process instead of planning the final result.
The Art of Improv comes from the practice and repetition of the experience, allowing your instincts to develop so that once can be more confident with what is being created. In my opinion, great improv comes from a rigorous practice, becoming more familiar with the method and gaining an understanding of how the materials inform the process, and how the process transforms the materials.
Have you always worked improvisationally?
No not really. I would say I often incorporate elements of improv into my process, but the majority of my quilts look very structured and planned. I tend to lean into finding the balance of planned and improv elements, rather than an entirely improv experience. Because I often have an end goal or idea in mind, I try but don’t let my improv impulses completely derail my idea, and if the improv is leading in a drastically new direction, I’ve become more comfortable pausing and taking that new direction in my next quilt, as opposed to completely changing the work in progress.
Do you work improvisationally, consciously, intentionally? If so, how do you begin? If not, how do you find yourself getting there?
I would say I tend to work intentionally. In my quilt making, I will often have an idea, with a fairly clear end goal in mind for how I want the quilt to generally look, however I’ve found that I tend to incorporate improv in my layout process. I will have my fabrics cut, I will know the general goal, but in the layout process, I will try to get into a flow, one where I’m not consciously focusing too much on specifics of where things are going, but trusting my instincts for placement of the different fabrics. I try to do this process fairly quickly so I don’t have a chance to over think the process, and I try and minimize the number of edits or rearrangements I make after my initial layout.